ABR Welcomes First Cub of 2023!
On April 9th, bear #372 was rescued and brought to ABR. This is the first actual cub (cub-of-the-year, or COY) of 2023, although the recent yearling arrivals were the size…
On April 9th, bear #372 was rescued and brought to ABR. This is the first actual cub (cub-of-the-year, or COY) of 2023, although the recent yearling arrivals were the size…
ABR doesn’t have any bunnies (except the occasional visitor) but we have our newest resident, HoneyBunny Bear, who is in the Wild Enclosure #2 now, as we reported yesterday. We…
Despite the rain, today HoneyBunny Bear was released into Wild Enclosure #2. She had made it clear that she wanted OUT of the confined space in The Cub House! When…
Our “Christmas Siblings” Mistletoe and Peppermint, arrived at ABR in December, 2022. Their mother was hit by a car. They have grown and thrived under the care of the ABR…
Curator Tori did a Facebook Live on the seven yearlings, although a couple of them didn’t make the video. The newest, HoneyBunny, does not appear, and neither does Lovey Bear,…
This continues the story about our latest arrival, little HoneyBunny Bear, who was rescued on April 3rd in Fentress County. HoneyBunny at UTCVM. She weighs just over 9 pounds, which…
ABR admitted #371, a female yearling nicknamed Honey Bunny for the place she was found and the closeness to Easter. The tiny, very much underweight (9.9 pounds) and malnourished yearling…
Bears, whether young or old, don’t like wind because it interferes with their ability to hear sounds and to smell smells. Even so, on windy days like this, the yearlings…
Today we have the Facebook Live video update, with Curator Tori. We can easily see the difference in size between the yearlings who arrived several months ago and those malnourished…
We have sad news today. Our most recent little yearling, #370, Sparky Bear, had to be euthanized at the UT College of Veterinary Medicine. He seemed to be improving since…