Cub Reunion!
As you know, two of the cubs – Beignet and Blackbeary – have been in the Cub House for the last couple of weeks, to help Beignet develop her climbing…
As you know, two of the cubs – Beignet and Blackbeary – have been in the Cub House for the last couple of weeks, to help Beignet develop her climbing…
Wild Enclosure #3 is where the three yearlings are residing. Unlike the playful cubs, yearlings tend to be timid and shy away from interactions with other bears. Our yearlings are…
In our last post we showed the cubs in the Cub House, Beignet and Blackbeary, as they were enjoying the sweet taste of honeysuckle. Today we have a hilarious video…
Sometimes the bears are hard to find. This is particularly true when they are in the Wild Enclosures, but even in the Acclimation Pen, the cubs have their hiding places.…
Hartley Bear, the yearling from Kentucky residing in Wild Enclosure #3, used the Cubby Pool for more than getting a drink! He went for a swim in it and showed…
The Cub House at ABR is full of life – with 5 cubs in residence. Two of them are indoors, and the other 3 are outdoors in the Acclimation Pen.…
The cameras that are strategically placed in each of the enclosures as well as the Cub House and Acclimation Pen (thanks to a generous grant we received last year) monitor…
It’s time for dinner in the Cub House. Out in the Acclimation Pen …… Who can we spot out in Wild Enclosure #3? The two female yearlings were missing once…
Hartley Bear was the first to arrive at ABR this year. If you recall, he was very underweight, malnourished (almost starving) and literally “on death’s door.” Had he not been…
Here is a video that shows the triplet cubs in the Cub House before they went to the Acclimation Pen, Blueberry visiting Boudreaux out in the Acclimation Pen, and Daffodil…