Updates on Bears
The two Louisiana cubs, Boudreaux and Beignet, are growing rapidly. They were weighed and Boudreaux tips the scale at 6.5 pounds, and his sister weighs 4 pounds! He is still…
The two Louisiana cubs, Boudreaux and Beignet, are growing rapidly. They were weighed and Boudreaux tips the scale at 6.5 pounds, and his sister weighs 4 pounds! He is still…
Our Kentucky yearling, Hartley Bear, arrived on Valentine’s Day. He was undernourished and weighed about one-fourth of what he should weigh as a 13-month-old. Furthermore, he was conspicuously bald on…
Black bear cubs are born in January or February, while the sow is hibernating. Since it’s not possible to know the exact date, ABR has designated January 22 as the…
With the admittance of #285, Sweetie Bear, ABR Curators are busy caring for two underweight yearlings and two cubs-of-the-year. We are happy to report that all seems to be going…
On March 19th, TWRA rescued a severely underweight, malnourished yearling bear in Townsend. A little female weighing just 9.735 pounds, #285 is nicknamed Sweetie Bear. To put her weight into…
The little one-and-one-half-month-old bear cubs from Louisiana, Beignet and Boudreaux, are kept apart due to the size difference (Boudreaux is considerably larger than his sister, and the curators don’t want…
This is a very cute, short video of little Beignet Bear trying to get comfortable in her Cub Cave. It seems that she doesn’t like the way her blanket is…
Today we have reports on the cubs and yearling, and we’re happy to say that all three are doing well. We’ll start with little Beignet Bear. You’ll recall that she…
We’re back with news of the past few days. Most notable was the fact that tiny Beignet Bear (if you recall, she weighed just 1.4 pounds on arrival, which was…
This will be a very short post, and it will be a few days before we can post again (sorry about that). Here is a photo of Curator Coy holding…