Hardy is growing!
Hardy, Yearling #7, who arrived at ABR on February 3rd, weighed only 12 pounds when he came to us. He is beginning to put on some weight, as do all…
Hardy, Yearling #7, who arrived at ABR on February 3rd, weighed only 12 pounds when he came to us. He is beginning to put on some weight, as do all…
It seems that the orphaned, needy yearling cubs just keep on coming to ABR. Yesterday, just in time for Valentine’s Day, we admitted our 11th yearling of 2012. She is…
Pressley and Friday were the very first yearling cubs of 2012. When they were admitted on January 13th they were very sad and depleted little bears. But they soon became best buds…
Our little bears are staying close to each other these cold days (temps the last couple of nights in the single digits – Brrr!) as these new photos show.…
We found this article with a video clip on the website for a Spokane, WA television station. It tells about a very resourceful bear who found him/herself a nice place to…
On Thursday, February 9th, ABR admitted the 10th little bear of this year. We posted about him at the time. After just 3 days he has settled into his new home…
Just a week ago, on February 5th, the 8th yearling of 2012 was admitted to ABR. He is very tiny, weighing in at just over 10 pounds. That weight is…
People often wonder how we can keep orphaned cubs “wild ” when they are being cared for by humans. The answer is that we create “cub families” for these little…
Today (February 9th) ABR admitted the tenth yearling cub of the year. It (because we are not sure yet whether it is “he” or “she”) is about the size and…
Yes, it’s true – we have just admitted the 9th yearling of the year, a female who has been named Eleanor. She is not as tiny as the most recent…