Three Yearlings
As you know, our bear population now stands at 3. The two KY girls and the TN girl just became officially yearlings a couple of days ago, and they are…
As you know, our bear population now stands at 3. The two KY girls and the TN girl just became officially yearlings a couple of days ago, and they are…
In our last post we showed how Marmalade Bear was moved into Wild Enclosure #4. Then, Clover and Aralia were moved to join her, finally getting out of the Hartley…
It was a very busy day for curators and an exciting one for our three cubs/now yearlings. Everybody moved to new quarters! The curators finished up the work they had…
Although Marmalade Bear is alone in her Wild Enclosure, it doesn’t upset her a bit. She often preferred her own company, even when the enclosure was shared with six other…
We’ve watched the cub population diminish recently, as bears were released back to their wild homes in Kentucky and Tennessee. Now, there are just three cubs remaining, two Kentucky cubs…
We greatly appreciate the TWRA officers, David Sexton and Scott Reasor, who shot video footage at the release site for the Rainbow Triplets. The cubs were so quick that we…
In our last post we reminisced about Juniper, Indigo, and Lavender, aka the Rainbow Triplets and recalled their lives, adventures and shenanigans during their 5 months at ABR. Today we’ll…
The rambunctious Rainbow Triplets (Juniper, Indigo, and Lavender) were released back into the wild on January 12th, after almost six months at ABR. They were orphaned in August, at the…
Yesterday we wrote about Dumplin’ Bear and his preparation for release. Today we’ll talk about the two girls who were released at the same time – Tweetsie (Dumplin’s sister) and…
The ABR cubs of 2020 are being released! As you know, siblings are released together, and all cubs are released as near as possible to the places where they were…