Brother and sister explore
Venturing out together What can I find Our new brother and sister are slowly beginning to explore their territory. As they venture out through the large pen they will find…
Venturing out together What can I find Our new brother and sister are slowly beginning to explore their territory. As they venture out through the large pen they will find…
Let’s stick together The newest cubs are rather timid and seem to be afraid of the larger cubs that are at home in the large pen. This little brother and…
There just are not any words left to expound on why we are dedicated to saving bears. We do education programs for ABR to inform folks about the work ABR…
The new cubs are a girl and a boy We are cute ! These new cubs are feeling more comfortable in their new home. Soon they will be playing with…
The two siblings We stay together The little brother and sister cubs that were admitted a few days ago are sticking close together, no doubt for security. These two are…
Good balance! Frontal view As you can see, the cubs are very comfortable in trees, even on branches that we might think are too small to support their weight.…
As these 2 photos show, the new cubs are seeking safety in the trees. This is typical behavior, as mother bears teach their cubs to climb a tree to escape…
This is how they arrived at ABR Into a new world The cubs we wrote about yesterday arrived at ABR in the company of a wildlife officer, seen here talking…
When can we go out with the other guys? Just hangin’ out The cubs that are still in the smaller pen, called the “Pink Palace,” are not quite large enough…
Some of the “wild” cubs Yes, it’s true — this morning two more cubs were admitted to ABR! They are a brother and sister, and since the male weighs approximately…