Cedar Bear Climbs! and Otis in Snow
The ABR curators were excited when Cedar Bear, the yearling who arrived recently with a head wound and has been recovering in a pen in the garage, actually climbed up…
The ABR curators were excited when Cedar Bear, the yearling who arrived recently with a head wound and has been recovering in a pen in the garage, actually climbed up…
The snow has continued to fall and the ABR yearlings continue to stay in their trees for the most part, although we have a photo of Snowflake Bear high-stepping through…
This is the assumed, official birthday of our ABR cubs. Black bear cubs are born between mid-January and mid-February, so we use January 22nd as the birthday for our cubs. …
It snowed pretty hard (for Tennessee) and we would have thought that the cubs in the Wild Enclosures would hunker down in one of the dens to get out of…
It’s true – ABR received two more cubs from separate locations in Blount County. Cub #242, nicknamed Star Bear for the white blaze on her chest, weighed in at 18.1…
As busy as they are looking after the nineteen cubs in residence at ABR, the curators still manage to get photos for us to share. The only time they are…
The weather has turned cold – like real winter weather! We have wondered if the cubs will use the various dens placed in the enclosures for their use. We had…
We are very sad to post the news that our recent arrival, the severely injured Cub #140 (Zoe Bear) who was housed in The Cub House, re-broke the leg that…
Snowflake Bear moved out of the Cub Nursery! She had shown that she didn’t like the confinement (who could blame her, after living her whole life in the wild?) and…
We have some good news about our four most recent arrivals today. First piece of news is about Milo Bear. You recall that he was in an outdoor Pen while…