Release of Juggles Bear!
The fourth member of the Big Four was Juggles, the bear who was rescued with his head stuck in a jug. As you will recall as you watch the video,…
The fourth member of the Big Four was Juggles, the bear who was rescued with his head stuck in a jug. As you will recall as you watch the video,…
Another cub who was released on January 8, 2024 was Nugget Bear. She was part of the Big Four in Wild Enclosure #1. Nugget was released into the Great Smoky…
Next up in the release lineup was Tater, who had to be returned to Fentress County, TN. Here is the story of his history at ABR and his release on…
On January 8, 2024 a beautiful, crisp, sunny day, the “Big Four” cubs from Wild Enclosure #1 were worked up for their releases back to the wild. The first one…
The large cubs in Enclosure #1 are sleeping together in a Cubby Pile, day or night. Look at those nice, round bottoms! Since they will be leaving soon, they have…
Last night, the Enclosure #2 cubs, the “Big Four,” went to bed early on their platform. A pile of chubby cubs went to sleep. In the morning, they were still…
The latest Facebook Live from Curator Tori is all about Twinkle and Tinsel Bear in Wild Enclosure #3. As you know, they have been keeping far apart. We have hoped…
The two female cubs, Twinkle and Tinsel, are not friends yet. In fact, Twinkle seems to be quite a bully. Twinkle chased Tinsel up a tree. Twinkle huffed and clacked…
The cubs in Enclosure #1 will be released back into the wild after the first of the year. But in the meantime, they carry on in the normal cub ways.…
This video is a special treat as it reviews all of the releases during 2023. We know you will enjoy remembering the cubs who have been cared for and were…