Hartley Bear Goes Home!
After three months at ABR, our yearling bear, #282 Hartley, went back home to Kentucky on May 24th. His recovery, from being a malnourished, depleted thirteen-month-old to his current healthy…
After three months at ABR, our yearling bear, #282 Hartley, went back home to Kentucky on May 24th. His recovery, from being a malnourished, depleted thirteen-month-old to his current healthy…
ABR has chosen January 22 as the official birthday of every cub and yearling bear who comes our way. This date is approximately in the middle of the possible dates,…
All of the bears at ABR are doing well. Hartley Bear, the yearling from Kentucky, is nearing the end of his stay. He is very healthy and has gained weight…
Yearlings are way short of breeding age, which is at least 3 for females and even older for males. So it says in all the books by bear experts. Our…
A mystery developed recently, when the curators checked the Cub House and found the food bowls were gone! Curators played detectives and soon discovered the perpetrators. Not to be outdone…
The five cubs at ABR – Boudreaux, Beignet, Bluebeary, Hucklebeary, and Blackbeary, are constantly on the move. As long as they are residing in the Cub House and Acclimation Pen…
Lots of photos in this post – of just about everybody. We start with the yearling who is seldom seen – Daffodil. The enclosure cam caught her several times. The…
A fourth needy yearling bear has been admitted to ABR. On May 14th, a small yearling was repeatedly seen in a yard in Pittman Center, near Gatlinburg. TWRA captured the…
There is a world of difference between bear cubs and yearling bears. The cubs are perpetual motion machines, constantly doing something except when they are asleep. Look at the ABR…
There are swingy toys like balls and rings in the Cub House and in the Acclimation Pen. Now that all five cubs have access to the two rooms of the…