Tartan Plays Ball
Tartan Bear has learned how to play with his swingy ball. Here is a video of him discovering how he can play with it without too much exertion! It’s been…
Tartan Bear has learned how to play with his swingy ball. Here is a video of him discovering how he can play with it without too much exertion! It’s been…
Tartan Bear has quite the life at ABR. The three words in the title pretty much sum up his life. In our last post we saw him trying out a…
Tartan investigated one of the vertical dens that he had previously ignored. This type of den, high in a tree, is the choice of many a sow who is going…
Our ABR yearling, Tartan Bear, is using several trees, not just one. We wonder if he is trying to confuse the curators and us, or if he just likes to…
It was very foggy this morning, although Tartan Bear didn’t mind at all. We learned that he has another favorite resting place in his tree, above that branch where we…
In his enclosure explorations, Tartan Bear has passed by the Cubby Pool many times, but had not taken a drink from it or ventured into the water. Today that changed,…
In our last post we told about some recent progress that our yearling has made in becoming comfortable in his Wild Enclosure at ABR. Today we will share even more…
Tartan Bear is making progress at ABR as he continues to explore and learn about his enclosure. We have seen him eating, and have seen that he is putting on…
Curator Tori presented another video of Tartan Bear on her Facebook Live the other day, and we have linked it for you to see. It’s fun to watch our little…
As he goes about his enclosure at ABR, Tartan Bear is exhibiting good bear behavior. He is a yearling, after all, and has learned how to be a bear during…