Celebration of a Special Friend
ABR mourns the sudden passing of a dear friend, supporter, Board member, and valued volunteer, Betty Jones. A Celebration of her Life was held Saturday, November 17th at The Barn…
ABR mourns the sudden passing of a dear friend, supporter, Board member, and valued volunteer, Betty Jones. A Celebration of her Life was held Saturday, November 17th at The Barn…
Our curators were able to catch enough of a glimpse of Colton Bear to take these photos. They think he may be testing out some potential den sites, as the next…
Thefall issue of the ABR newsletter, “Bear Tracks,” is now posted on our website. You can see it by clicking this link, which will take you to the newsletter page. Then…
Usually, an ABR bear is not worked up (weighed, tagged, tattooed, etc) until time for its release back into the wild. However, it was decided that Colton should have a…
Oh no! This is a photo of the damage done Saturday night by a wild bear at ABR. This is one of the recently completed metal buildings, being used for dry…
Here is another photo taken by Curator Coy, when Colton came within his view the other day. The cage-like structure on the right is the acclimation pen or “crib” where…
This time we have a photo that Curator Coy was able to snap quickly through the fencing around Colton Bear’s wild enclosure. It’s getting harder and harder to get these…
Our goal, in rehabilitating cubs at ABR, is to assure that they become wild before they are released. You may recall that when Colton Bear arrived a couple of months…
We haven’t posted for a while – sorry, but we have been busy with programs for schools and organizations. We do many programs to help people who live in bear…
Yesterday we posted a photo of Colton Bear foraging for the natural foods our curators toss over the fence for him. We also mentioned how much a bear eats at…