Finnegan, Skipper and Acorn Bear
Today we report on little cub Finnegan, who is doing very well and getting stronger in the Cub Nursery. His bear milk replacement formula is helping him to grow rapidly.…
Today we report on little cub Finnegan, who is doing very well and getting stronger in the Cub Nursery. His bear milk replacement formula is helping him to grow rapidly.…
Acorn Bear (Cub #230) arrived at ABR in late November. She had a leg wound that was sutured at the UT College of Veterinary Medicine, and by early January she…
The 2016 cub at ABR is nicknamed Finnegan, because he arrived a few days before St. Patrick’s Day. He was only 2.9 pounds when he came to us, but he…
Today we have a video taken recently in which we see two-month-old Finnegan Bear exploring his surroundings – the pen in the Cub Nursery. You will notice that he explores…
As you know, there are currently 25 yearling (one-year-old) bears and one 2-month-old bear cub residing at ABR. The yearlings are all in outdoor Wild Enclosures,practicing their bear skills to…
We’ve focused on the new 2016 cub, Finnegan Bear for the last couple of posts, so today we will look into the Wild Enclosures and see how the yearlings are…
ABR Cub #252, nicknamed Finnegan Bear, is currently being cared for in the Cub Nursery, where he is fed every few hours around the clock, just like a baby. The…
In our last post we shared the news of Cecilia Bear’s release into the Wild Enclosure. Today we have some of the other yearlings in their Wild Enclosures and a…
Cecelia Bear (Bear #250)was a needy little yearling when she was rescued and brought to ABR in mid- February. Her weight, 15.6 pounds, would have been average for a 4…
Our wee 2016 bear cub, Finnegan Bear, is gaining a little strength each day. Curator Janet weighed him again and he has gained more than half a pound, now weighing…