So Far, So Good
We are happy to report that the four sick cubs from Enclosure #4 are holding their own. Thumper was NOT happy in the Acclimation Pen and was pacing so continuously…
We are happy to report that the four sick cubs from Enclosure #4 are holding their own. Thumper was NOT happy in the Acclimation Pen and was pacing so continuously…
We had hoped that the rest of the bears,separated from each other, would recover from the deadly illness that took Flapjack. But that was not to be. Burrito Bear passed…
Thumper had his day at UTCVM, so now all five of the Enclosure #4 cubs are patients, recovering from the strange illness that infected them. Here’s an update. First, there…
Once again, we are using the Facebook report for the long and involved story of this busy day. ABR Daily Update-October 8, 2023- The state of things. Thank you for…
We are heartbroken to inform you that Flapjack Bear died yesterday at the facility from what appears to be a severe case of pneumonia in both lungs. On Tuesday, Curator…
With the rescue of #387 (Juggles) the bear cub population at ABR increased to fifteen!Juggles is currently occupying the Hartley House until the meds prescribed by the UT vets have…
It took a lot of cooperation between TWRA, ABR, and the public but after two months, a cub whose head was stuck inside a plastic jug, is now safe at…
It’s hard to remember how very small our cubs were when they arrived. In the span of a few months, they have chubbified beautifully! Enjoy this video that shows Doodlebug…
The enclosure cams caught some good images of the bear cubs on the recent night of the harvest moon. In Enclosure #4, the cubs, who still like to sleep together,…
We know that in each enclosure the cubs form their own order, and their own schedules. We’ve seen that usually in Enclosure #1 the lone female, Caramel, keeps her distance…