New Digs for Little Bit – part 2
In yesterday’s post, we showed Little Bit being moved by wheelbarrow “ambulance” to her new, spacious pen outdoors. In case you were wondering why she didn’t go in with the…
In yesterday’s post, we showed Little Bit being moved by wheelbarrow “ambulance” to her new, spacious pen outdoors. In case you were wondering why she didn’t go in with the…
A few days ago, Little Bit’s vet (Dr. Marcy Souza, from UTCVM) returned to ABR to check the little bear and prepare her for the move into her new, larger…
Here is a photo that shows clearly how Little Bit is retaining her wild behavior. When Curator Rick approached to clean out the cage, she reacted by pulling her upper…
It is almost unbelievable, how good Little Bit looks these days, after not quite a month of TLC under the care of Curator Rick. Here is a photo taken on…
Our last post, “Eartag Questions Answered” has generated a lot of comments, so we have done even more research into the subject. We talked to Bill Stiver, who is now the…
Several of you have asked about the eartags that Loretta and Rose are wearing, and we said we would answer the questions/concerns after we attended the Black Bear Management seminar…
Yes, even little bear cubs occasionally get ‘house calls’ from their doctors! See what is going on with Little Bit today…
Our two sisters, Loretta and Rose, are looking good. They have been eating well and are plumping up, as bears are supposed to do. Very soon they will be released…
Little Bit, the injured yearling cub, is making progress. Today she had the last dose of that bitter antibiotic medicine. We think this photo shows what she thinks of that…
Our injured yearling, Little Bit, is quite the wild little bear ! Even though she came to us 3 weeks ago, weighing only 13 pounds, you’d never know that to…