Here They Are!
We told you that 2 more yearling cubs were coming to ABR today. They arrived this morning – 2 little female yearlings who displayed a lot of fiesty behavior. They…
We told you that 2 more yearling cubs were coming to ABR today. They arrived this morning – 2 little female yearlings who displayed a lot of fiesty behavior. They…
Sometime today (May 3rd) ABR’s yearling cub population will increase by 2. As of now, we don’t know any of the details – sex, weight, or condition. As soon as…
We have received questions recently asking about the 6 yearling cubs that are still in the care of ABR. These little ones are doing well, and spending most of their…
Yesterday we were having trouble with posting a photo to our post about the special Photo Field Trip to Cades Cove,” with professional wildlife photographer Chuck Cooper. The prblem seems…
An extra-special feature of our Black Bear Expo this year is a photo field trip to Cades Cove with a professional wildlife photographer, Chuck Cooper. Chuck has been an exhibitor…
It’s almost here – the 3rd Black Bear Expo will be held this Saturday, May 5th, at Trillium Cove Shopping Village on Lamar Alexander Parkway (Hwy 321) in Townsend, TN. …
On April 12, Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency (TWRA) officers reclaimed 29 of the yearling cubs at ABR and transported them to their new, wild habitats. It was a busy day…
As you know, ABR rehabilitates orphaned and/or injured cubs and yearlings who are rescued by wildlife officers and transported to our facility. Now you can read BEAR RESCUE STORIES with photos,…
Here is another piece of news about our new website. The ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN that used to be on the blog, have all been relocated to the new and improved…
We are very excited about the new ABR website. A very talented volunteer has completely revised and updated the website, and you can even view recent ABR Newsletters on the…