Myrtle is Perplexed
Our newest rescue cub, Myrtle, is residing in the Hartley House while she recovers from her recent traumas. For the first couple of days,she slept a lot, and didn’t interact…
Our newest rescue cub, Myrtle, is residing in the Hartley House while she recovers from her recent traumas. For the first couple of days,she slept a lot, and didn’t interact…
ABR now is caring for 14 bears, since the arrival of Myrtle Bear less than week ago. There are twelve cubs in addition to Myrtle, and our single yearling, Heather…
Our new cub, #362 Myrtle Bear, spent her first night at ABR in the Hartley House, where she has access to both rooms. Her first night went well. The curators…
ABR has another Cub of the Year! On the night of September 30, Greg Grieco, wildlife ranger in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and former curator for ABR, called to…
The ABR cubs are very busy with their “job” of eating and gaining weight, but, as bear cubs that are very much like human toddlers, they simply must take time…
A windstorm detached the metal sleeve from one of the trees in Wild Enclosure #1. You may recall that the sleeves have been attached to some trees to keep the…
We’ve seen how busy the cubs are about eating and gaining weight, but cubs are still babies who sometimes play and cavort. In other words, the shenanigans continue. Taco digs…
As the days go by, the cubs and yearling bear at ABR are growing, as they are supposed to do. They are putting on weight. Remember, Fat is Good, if…
The twelve cubs and one yearling at ABR are doing very well with their primary task – getting chubbier and ready for their eventual release. Heather our yearling is looking…
The cubs in Enclosure #3 are the four “T” cubs: males Taco and Thistle, and females Truffle and Thyme. They were observed choosing their sleeping arrangements recently and it was…