News of ABR Bears – Otto Bear
In our last post we updated you on our fifteen-month-old yearling, Summitt Bear. There were only a couple of photos of Summitt because, like all yearlings, he prefers to stay…
In our last post we updated you on our fifteen-month-old yearling, Summitt Bear. There were only a couple of photos of Summitt because, like all yearlings, he prefers to stay…
The elusive Summitt Bear, our fifteen-month-old yearling, made a brief appearance that was captured on film by our curator. Summitt, like any good wild yearling, stays out of sight most…
Three-month-old Otto Bear, who is currently residing at Appalachian Bear Rescue, is a busy little bear cub who keeps the curators on their toes, trying to challenge him and help…
A three-month-old bear cub is rather like a three-year-old toddler – always on the go and getting into mischief. For example, Otto Bear attacked the log den in The Cub…
Curator Coy is very clever and he is always looking for new ways to stimulate little Otto. He came up with a couple of very creative ideas that we feature…
Otto has settled into The Cub House and the addition of his familiar toys from the Cub Nursery seem to please him. Today’s photos show him with his toys. Moving…
In our last post we documented Otto’s move from the Cub Nursery to The Cub House. Today we have photos of his new quarters that are now outfitted with his…
We have predicted that the three-month-old cub, Otto, would soon be ready for The Cub House. We were right – on April 28th the curators decided that he was ready. …
We have posted about our “fierce” little three-month-old bear cub recently. He is continuing to show that he knows how to act like a wild bear. Today he showed his…
Otto Bear is a three-month-old black bear cub currently housed in the Cub Nursery at Appalachian Bear Rescue. When Otto arrived at ABR on April 11th he weighed just 4.1…