Here’s Violet!
Just look at me! Violet is finishing her lunch of lettuce. Have to keep that girlish figure. If the cubs were out in the wild they wood be eating lots…
Just look at me! Violet is finishing her lunch of lettuce. Have to keep that girlish figure. If the cubs were out in the wild they wood be eating lots…
These brothers were admitted to ABR yesterday. They will join the rest of the group as soon as they gain some weight. ABR’s doors are always open to admit orphaned…
I almost fit! As you can see from the title JJRocket, this photo was taken by a camera mounted high up and it scans the area. This big bear could…
Not to worry! The large encloser is double fenced so that this bear will not be able to get to the cubs. As you can see the top to the…
This is what a wet cub looks like after a dip in the pool.
Life is good! Life is good in Crib B as the cubs eat, play and sleep in the summer heat.
Now that some of the cubs are in the large encloser they don’t have dishes to eat from. They now have to find their food as it is scattered…
Sally all wet! Blueberries for lunch! Sally is now in Crib B with the other two girls. She is a bit smaller than the others but with a lunch like…
This the way to spend a Sunday afternoon! Sally enjoys her bucket and uses it as a bed. She summersaults, runs and puts on a show for her food. She…