Wild Enclosure #1 and Hartley House
The cubs in Enclosure #1 seem to be tolerant of Turnip and his need to be careful of his paw. At least that’s the impression we get when we see…
The cubs in Enclosure #1 seem to be tolerant of Turnip and his need to be careful of his paw. At least that’s the impression we get when we see…
Thirteen is a lucky number for ABR! All 13 of the cubs (12 large and 1 small) are doing well. So today we thought we would post photos of all…
As you may know, ABR welcomed a new cub to the facility after she was found in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park just three days ago. The cub had…
It seemed like we were through accepting rescued cubs for the year, but on November 14, a little cub in Great Smoky Mountains National Park was hit by a car.…
Hyperphagia means “eat, drink, and sleep.” Our cubs are excelling in each of these activities. Betsy has found a beautiful, red apple. Her expression says “Yum!” Her sister Martha is…
If you recall, Hyperphagia is the scientific term for the “feeding frenzy” that strikes all bears prior to hibernation. True to form, the ABR cubs are eating quantities of food…
At last, all of the eleven cubs at ABR are outside in their enclosures! We are happy, and we think they are, too! Now that the leaves have fallen, they…
Our cub with the broken metacarpals, Turnip Bear, let the curators know that he REALLY wanted to be outside again! He could smell the other cubs through the vents, even…
We have watched the three confined cubs who have been recovering from the bacterial infection that killed three of their enclosure-mates. The sisters, Martha and Betsy, along with Tamale have…
In our last post we shared photos of cubs not sharing a swingy ball in their enclosure. Today we have that in action, via a video of the tussle. Also,…