It’s been a couple of years since we admitted a bear cub from the state of Kentucky, but on April 26, 2023, that’s what ABR did! Our newly hired Director of Operations started his job with a bang when the call from KY came in. A tiny bear cub had been found in Leslie County, KY. Matt Auberle and Exec. Director Dana Dodd traveled to Cumberland Gap to meet Wildlife Biologist Tristan Curry, who has delivered KY bears in years past.
There were a couple of possible reasons for the orphaning of this little cub, so we can’t be sure exactly how it happened, but it is a 3-month-old COY, like Thumper and Flapjack, but this is a female and a very tiny one, weighing just 3.52 pounds! Because of her extra small size, she is nicknamed Doodlebug!
Here is our cub from Kentucky – Doodlebug Bear!
Come back for more news tomorrow!