Appalachian Bear Rescue is currently caring for seven little bears. Three of them are COYs (Cubs Of the Year, born in January 2023, and four are yearlings, born in January 2022. Today we check in on them.
First up is Thumper Bear, a cub. He is in Hartley House, where he plays with whatever he finds in his rooms. He is a rowdy, active little guy!
Still in The Cub Nursery, though not for much longer, is Flapjack Bear, our second COY. He’s the same age and size as Thumper and we hope they become friends soon.
The third cub is little Doodlebug, who is much smaller than the two boys. It is thought that she may have been born later than the other two, and may be a week or two younger. She is still in The Cub Nursery and is recovering from surgery to repair a hernia.
Now for the Big Bears (Yearlings):
HRH Rover Bear is foraging in his enclosure. On this day, he was the only one of our “outside” bears to come down from his tree!
Lovey Bear did not make an appearance, so we had to call on our trusty substitute, Spud Bear, to stand in for him.
Townsend and HoneyBunny were also no-shows, so we subbed Spud Bear for each of those yearlings. Hopefully we’ll be able to see these little bears next time.
We can assure you that all of the yearlings are doing well, even if they are not showing themselves!