Ah! the good life!
Life is good! Life is good in Crib B as the cubs eat, play and sleep in the summer heat.
Life is good! Life is good in Crib B as the cubs eat, play and sleep in the summer heat.
Now that some of the cubs are in the large encloser they don’t have dishes to eat from. They now have to find their food as it is scattered…
Sally all wet! Blueberries for lunch! Sally is now in Crib B with the other two girls. She is a bit smaller than the others but with a lunch like…
This the way to spend a Sunday afternoon! Sally enjoys her bucket and uses it as a bed. She summersaults, runs and puts on a show for her food. She…
Are we next? These two cubs will be going out into the large encloser very soon. Only Sally will be left in one of the smaller enclosers. She is still…
A big bear has BIG feet! The large bear that has been visiting the ABR facility left his mark in the wet dirt in the form of a couple of…
Here are Bobby, Ham, and Sissy — our Trio. Can you I.D. the little bears? We have a hard time doing that, too. But we are so glad that the…
This large male bear is typical of bears that people see when traveling or living in prime bear habitat. He is a handsome and healthy animal.
Sissy by big tree Now I can see! Cubs will stay close to a tree in case of danger. They are taught by the sow to climb a tree…
This beautiful adult bear dropped in to pay a visit to ABR. He was probably attracted by the large number of blueberry bushes growing in the woods around the facility. …