Eat, Sleep, Repeat

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Since we know that the release dates for out cubs and yearling have been postponed, we have more time to observe their behavior as they bide their time and wait for release (although they don’t know it).

Yearling Heather goes in and out of her Acclimation Pen whenever she wants a snack. She has been moderately interested in the straw that was added, but she hasn’t slept inside.

Three of the five cubs in Wild Enclosure #3 are seen here. They are still staying active.

Enclosure #1 cubs, like Nessie, are using the culvert den. They crowd inside and stay warm.

Nessie’s brother Highland is in the culvert den, too.

The curators added some enrichment to the Christmas cubs’ rooms. There is a treat toy and one of the Sister Bunny tribe.

For now, at least, these cubs are only interested in eating and sleeping.

The weather is forecast to get very cold in the next few days. It will be interesting to see how each of the cubs responds.Watch this space!