Do We Look Fatter?

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When humans ask that question we usually hope the answer is negative. Not so with bears. At this time of year, their bodies compel them to eat as much as they possibly can in order to become as fat as possible for the winter that lies ahead. So if bear cubs were to ask that question they would hope that the answer would be affirmative. To be honest, we don’t think it even crosses their minds. They are just eating because their bodies tell them to. We can observe the weight gain, however. Just look at today’s photos!

Angus snoozes after eating his fill (for now).

This back view of Piper reveals that he has been getting his share of the goodies!

Sorrel lies amid a bounty of peanuts. She takes a break from all the munching.

Rosemary is plump. She looks big, but she’s still a little baby bear.

The three Herb Sisters are seriously foraging.

Taco Bear has been working on the Safety Log in the pool for a while. In addition to trying to remove it from the pool, we suspect that he is finding some tasty bugs and larvae inside the log.

In each of the enclosures, the cubs dig for bugs and other yummy natural snacks to enhance their diets.

And don’t forget the wrestling! They wrestle with one another at the drop of a peanut. We’re concerned about the sapling that is the site of a wrestling match in this photo. Looks like they may break it before they’re through!

In her enclosure, Yearling Heather comes down the tree that she slept in last night.

She needed to forage and drink some water.

Here is her descent as seen by a different security camera.

Heather forages but doesn’t hurry. She seems to know that all the food in this enclosure is for her!

After eating her breakfast, Heather climbs up to her favorite spot on the resting platform. Life is Good!