The brothers, Casper and Shadow, who live next door to Peeps, were admitted to her room so the three cubs could meet. It was a disaster, from our human viewpoint.

In they marched, and Peeps hid in the corner.

The two cubs ate her food and played with her toys, without even asking her if that was OK!

They shredded her log!

Casper rattled her food bowl and the noise scared Peeps even more! Look how she shrunk into her corner hiding place!

They finally left and Peeps released her frustration and fright by beating up her Baby Not a Polar Bear. She was heard trilling, showing that she is able to calm herself. That’s a good sign.

Tots is doing well.

She sleeps a lot, which is good for her healing. We can see the shaved arm where she had surgery.

The trio have taken control of their outdoor Acclimation Pen. They look larger and more confident.

All of them love the Firehose Hammock.

They are good at climbing and at trying to destroy the Acclimation Pen. That is something all cubs try to do.

What’s next? Time will tell. Stay tuned.