The bear cubs have played “musical rooms” in the last couple of days. Tots was actually behind it, She was letting everyone know that The Cub Nursery was too confining for her, and she wanted a larger space. So they obliged, and the result was that almost everything changed!

This is the Acclimation Pen where the trio (Daisy Mae, Duke, and Jellybean) are able to spend time outside. They are still in the same room and pen. Here is a curator preparing their breakfast while they are inside.

For some reason, The siblings slept in their food bowl !!?

And here they come!

Like kids, Daisy and Duke argue over one bowl, even though there are other choices. Jellybean is smart – he found his own!

These are active cubs – they like to climb  and wrestle.

Here is the reason behind the moves. Tots is now in a room in the Hartley House and seems much calmer in the larger space.

She is moving well, though still favoring her injured leg. That is expected.


She likes the greenery and natural elements in her room.

Peeps is still in The Recovery Center, where she likes to play with her toys.

She also has a good appetite! She likes to eat – Good Bear!

Casper and Shadow have moved into the room next door to Peeps. One day soon they will meet. Then what chaos may occur? Stay tuned to find out.