Cades Cove Bear

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freebearIn late June one year ABR received a call from a biologist with the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, regarding a bear that was trapped near the Cades Cove campground. Although nearly 2 1/2 years old this bear weighed only 49 pounds. Just by looking at her they could tell something was wrong; she was merely skin and bones.

During a routine check-up veterinarians made an astonishing discovery. The bear had a 4-1/2 inch long stick embedded in the inside of her left leg. No wonder she was emaciated — she could barely get around to forage for food!

A small surgical procedure removed the stick and she soon made her way to the Appalachian Bear Rescue facility.

After six weeks of rest and relaxation the bear fully recovered, the only evidence of her surgery being a shaved left hind leg. After organizing a release date to coincide with the peak of the berry season, it was time to release her.

A beautiful afternoon was chosen at the beginning of August and the bear was transported down a dirt road off Cades Cove Loop in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.

When released she ran across the field nearly thirty yards, did a pirouette for the cameras, and then ambled off into the nearby woods, happy to be home at last.