The ABR cubs are doing well. We start with the sisters – Betsy Ross and Martha Washington Bear, as they awaken to start the day.

Betsy, on the left, is not ready to wake up yet.

Someone decides it’s time to go down to breakfast.

As the only females in their enclosure, the sisters have to stick together!

The boys always start the day wrestling!

Thumper decides he needs to give advice to the brothers (Tamale and Burrito).

Then – Ooof! he pounces on one of the brothers and begins to demolish him.

Now what? It looks like Thumper is seeking another victim!

This match won’t happen. The boys all decided to take a break and rest in the undergrowth.

There’s no doubt about it – Thumper is the largest cub of all!

Nugget got a tub of water in the Cub House!

She likes to sit and soak in it. When she goes outside she will have a nice big Cubby Pool!

Tater and Doodlebug keep busy by playing and eating. Doodlebug is rolling a log and Tater is trying a snack.They will head outside this week! Stay tuned for more fun.