
Shelby and Tucker Bear Have Moved

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If you remember Shelby Bear and Tucker Bear, the most recent arrivals, you know that they were extremely malnourished and dehydrated when they were rescued.  Shelby weighed just 8.8 pounds on November 4th and Tucker weighed only 7.7 pounds on the 7th.  Because they were in a fragile state, both cubs were housed temporarily in the Cub Nursery so they could be carefully observed by way of a baby monitor that allows the curators to see them from the office area without disturbing them any more than necessary.  After a few days, however, each of the cubs made it clear that they did not like the confinement!  They had lived in the wild for all of their nine months of life, and wild bears do not like being in small cages.  This was a good sign, but they were not yet ready to be out in a Wild Enclosure, so Curator Coy moved Shelby Bear into the acclimation pen outside of The Cub House, and Tucker Bear into The Cub House.  This gives each cub more room to explore and to feel less confined.  By keeping them separate the curators can be sure that each gets the rest of the meds that were prescribed and that each cub is eating.  Here they are in their new digs.


Shelby Bear in the acclimation pen.

Tucker Bear

Tucker Bear in The Cub House.

The other cubs are thriving.  They continue to forage and put on those pounds they need for the winter.

cubs in Wild Enclosure

Cubs in trees in the Wild Enclosure.

An aerial view of the ABR facility, with labels on the various buildings and enclosures, so you can get a better idea of where everyone is.  As of now, Wild Enclosure 1 is vacant, Wild Enclosure 2 has Tedford, Derby, Pumpkin and Gamble Bear.  The “big bears” – Summer, Juliette, Petal, Peanut, Charley B, Ellis and Aster Bear are in Wild Enclosure 3.  Wild Enclosure 4 is vacant.

Aerial view

Aerial view of ABR facility.

There will be another move for Shelby and Tucker Bear, when they are strong and healthy enough they will move out into Wild Enclosure 4.  We’ll let you know when that happens.