Heather Bear

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Our badly injured yearling, Heather Bear, who is recovering very well, was busy in her enclosure. She visited her Cubby Pool.

Unlike some other small bears we’ve seen, Heather was not the least bit intimidated by the pool. In fact, she jumped right in!

She water-walked for a few minutes –

And then, Heather swam! She showed very good form.

She came to the edge of the pool to relax and decide on her next move.

It seemed like a climb up to her resting platform would be a good choice.

Once there, she posed very nicely.

Heather stayed on the platform for a long time, until she decided to go to bed.

Then it was up the tree to her favorite sleeping branch. Good night,Heather! Sweet dreams!

Heather is really feeling comfortable in her enclosure now. Although she does sometimes sleep on the platform, she seems to be most comfortable (and perhaps secure?) in the tree. Very likely she was used to sleeping in a tree before her injury and rescue.