Expanded Menu for Cubs

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We have seen how the menu for the bear cubs keeps expanding, as the curators introduce various foods that will be a part of the bears’ diet as they grow. Although it started with just bear milk replacement formula, the curators have gradually added new items: plain and fruit-flavored yogurt, halved grapes, soft berries, and lettuce leaves. A new item appeared this day, also – watch for it.

The day started after a somewhat restful night under the climby thing, sleep interrupted only by a few fisticuff breaks. In the morning, Barley went into the other room.

Barley Bear wandered into Room 2 in Hartley House.
Surprise! Barley was ambushed by Hops.
Biff! Bam! Bop! A brief fight ensued.
They took care of that, and off they went to explore.
The three cubs ate up their leftovers and then turned the bowls over.
They removed a branch from their climby thing.
The branch is fun to play with.
The branch makes a good chew-toy.
Let’s get more branches!
Everyone helps with the deconstruction of the climby thing.
Cleaning time! The cubs quickly disappear as the gate closes.
One brave cub acts as the lookout while cleaning proceeds.
In the room next door, Curator Coy is the cleaning crew.
Food has been served. The bowl in the upper center has crushed bear pellets drizzled with honey!
Curator Coy has built a new climber to fit in the box of cedar shavings in the Hartley House rooms. Hopefully it won’t be as easily destroyed by the rambunctious cubs.

Coy is very creative and comes up with many unique devices to enrich the cubs’ experiences. It will be interesting to see how they react to this new piece of equipment as well as how they like the new food. Bear diet pellets will be a major part of their diet during their stay at ABR. The pellets are loaded with all the nutritional elements that bear cubs need. Stay tuned.