All Doing Well

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ABR now is caring for 14 bears, since the arrival of Myrtle Bear less than  week ago. There are twelve cubs in addition to Myrtle, and our single yearling, Heather Bear. We begin with a report on Myrtle, in the Hartley House.

Myrtle seems to like her mattress, and sleeps on it comfortably.

She likes her Not Myrtle companion, too, and dragged it through the gate from one room to the other.

Oh-oh! Curator Coy came in to clean the room, and Not Myrtle was caught and squished by the gate!

Curator Coy rescued Not Myrtle, and placed it on the bed. He also added a ball to the room to give Myrtle another enrichment.

When she re-entered the room, Myrtle noticed the ball right away and went to investigate.

Myrtle moved her Not Myrtle companion. She wants to be sure that everything is in its rightful place.

Moving outside to the Wild Enclosures:

The four roly-poly cubs in Wild Enclosure #1 are foraging to get even rolier-polier.

Highland stands up to sniff the air. No doubt he is getting the whiff of a new bear (that would be Myrtle) in the area.

Heather is a smart yearling! She discovered that she is tall enough to reach the delicious water in the Tire Bridge and the tasty bugs, without having to cross The Tire Bridge to gain access!

Something alarmed two of the cubs in Wild Enclosure #3. Thistle climbed up the tree and Thyme headed for the woods. Taco and Truffle were not bothered at all, and stayed put in the Cubby Pool.