A Few Chubby, Sleepy Cubbies

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Today’s post features just a few of the cubs who are sleeping and not in a hurry to get up.

Heather Bear continues to recover from her injuries.

Heather looks so much more bright-eyed and healthy! She is putting on weight and resting in her enclosure. The curators are happy with her progress, and so are we!

In Enclosure #1, Piper looks like he’s talking to Highland, but we think he’s just giving a big yawn. Highland is not paying attention at all.

Piper lies down again and the brothers continue to snooze.

The other two cubs in Enclosure #1, Nessie and Angus, continue to slumber on.They look so content!

Angus nuzzles Nessie’s head while she keeps snoozing.

Some of these photos make us yawn and feel like going off to take a nap, too. Hyperphagia isn’t the reason for our desire to nap, but it definitely is the major factor in our cubs’ choices recently – making them eat and sleep much more than they did a few weeks ago.