Since the rescue of the South Carolina neonates, Pawley and Carolina, there are three tiny cubs in the ICU at UTCVM.  curators Bailey and Tori went to UTCVM today to work with the doctors and to learn about using the incubator, which is the same as the one that ABR will receive tomorrow.

Pawley Bear is one of the SC neonates. Here he stretches his front legs. The blue ribbon identifies him as the male from SC.

His sister, Carolina Bear, sleeps nearby. The incubator keeps all of them warm.

Our TN neonate, Bits Bear, sleeps near the other two. We notice that his fur is starting to grow in.

Bits is the smallest of the three, and the doctors believe he is likely the youngest. All of them are precious babies, and we hope that they will grow and thrive. If a foster mother can be found, that would be the best outcome, but only time will tell if that is possible. Stay tuned.