Lovey’s Yummy Treat

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As we have said, the ABR curators are trying to tempt the injured yearling, Lovey Bear, and to ease the boredom of his captivity and restrictions. They are creative in doing these things. For example, look at this yummy treat that Curator Tom fixed recently.

Doesn’t that look and sound absolutely great? Yes, it does, if you are a bear. And our little yearling did enjoy it!

There is the tempting yogurt-mealworm treat, ready for Lovey.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a photo of him eating it, but here he is very shortly after – taking a nap with Not a Polar Bear. Eat and then sleep – just what he needs to do!

Nettles was down from her tree, getting a drink out of the Cubby Pool.

All the time spent in her tree has given her excellent balance!

She’s a great little vacuum cleaner for pecans!

Next door, the siblings are foraging. Peppermint forages near the rock den used by their brother.

The siblings seem to know he is gone. They no longer investigate that den. We have no way of knowing how they are processing his disappearance, but it’s obvious that they are aware of it.