Lovey Has a Checkup

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Lovey Bear returned to the UT College of Veterinary Medicine for his follow-up exam. The vets wanted to see how the surgery and the plates they had installed to repair his broken femur were doing.

Here he is, just before his trip back to UTCVM.

We can see his shaved little leg as he is examined. It looks quite human, without the fur.

They did a thorough exam. Lovey has gained weight – he is 19.84 pounds, a gain of 6 pounds since he arrived! The curators must see that he gains slowly, by monitoring his food intake.

The vets were pleased with the new X-rays and what they show.

Lovey was ready to return to ABR.

The photo of Lovey being returned to the Recovery Center was captioned wrong. Apologies – it is Lovey, not Nettles in the carrier.

But Nettles did make an appearance!

Here she is, looking nice and chubby!

Nettles likes those pecans! They are helping her chonkify!

She has rounded out nicely.

And she has a beautiful, healthy coat of fur.

But for sleeping, she much prefers her perch in the tree. That’s what has earned her the name “Bird Bear.”

Mistletoe and Peppermint, on the other hand, choose to sleep in their cozy culvert den.

They often enter their Acclimation Pen and seem to be intrigued by the gate. It seems they know that beyond this gate is the “real world.”.

Peppermint relaxes, while her brother checks the gate more closely.

He leaves the pen, but she stays a bit longer.

Peppermint gives the gate one last try.

Little do they know that there will come a time when they will be out in that world again. Better enjoy their easy life while it lasts!