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Just Arrived!  ABR has received 3 tiny cubs in the past few days.  One came from TN and the other two are from LA.  This is earlier than usual; thus our rescue/rehabilitation season begins.


In January of each year, black bear cubs are born and immediately begin enjoying their first meals…mother’s milk!!  Compared to other mammals, bear cubs are getting some of the richest milk of all!  Bear milk is almost one-third fat, as compared to cow’s milk which ranges between 3-5% fat.  Bear milk provides growing cubs with high-energy nutrition, which is extremely important after cubs have emerged from their winter den and their metabolism increases.


At ABR, it is critical that orphaned cubs are provided a rich milk formula that matches mother’s milk as closely as possible.  We use powdered formulas that are mixed to provide the proper amount of carbohydrates, protein and lipids that will combine to produce the calories used by growing cubs.  Tiny cubs are bottle-fed every three hours around the clock.  As the cubs grow (and they grow quickly!!), the length of time between feedings is extended until they are down to 2 formula feedings a day…solid foods are introduced during this stage.  Therefore, less formula equals more solid food ingested during a day.


The cost of necessary, rich formulas is high.  If a bear cub is admitted in mid-April, it is provided with formula until mid-June and formula costs can escalate to $700 per cub.  Typically, a tiny spring cub will consume 6 oz. of formula at each bottle-feeding.  In May, a 5-month old cub will consume 18-24 oz. of formula at each bottle-feeding.  In June, a 6-month old cub is lapping over 35 oz. of formula at each feeding and will soon wean from the tasty nectar. By the end of June, the cub will prefer solid foods and will enjoy adding new foods (fruits, vegetables and nuts) to his diet each day.


Nutritious milk formulas must be kept in ABR’s inventory all year round.  At times when bear cubs or yearlings are admitted in severely-malnourished condition, the rich milk formula will offer the necessary boost to help their depleted bodies recover quickly.