Four Arkansas Cubs Return Home

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In mid-December, ABR’s four recent cubs from Arkansas were released by Arkansas wildlife officials. The week before their release, Lisa prepared them for travel in weather she described as a monsoon. While the cubs were flooded out of their den, Lisa managed to trap all four cubs in the weaning pen, which they loved because it was dry and full of straw.

All four Arkansas cubs squeezed into the tiny culvert den just as they had done months ago when they were so small.  It was comfortable, dry and warm and made tranquilizing them much easier. With the help of TWRA, the cubs were loaded into a nice, warm nest while they were sleeping.  Their accommodations for travel were so much nicer than being in a wet hole in the ground.

The cubs had grown quite a bit from their admittance weights…Alpha and Delta each weighed 15 pounds in June and Gus and Hanna each weighed 30 pounds in July.  When weighed on December 11, 2008, Alpha weighed 134 pounds; Delta weighed 104 pounds; Gus weighed 101 pounds; and, Hanna weighed 86 pounds…all gorgeous, healthy cubs!!

The cubs left ABR early on Friday, December 12, 2008, and they were released on Sunday.  Lisa talked to the Arkansas wildlife official who said the cubs were in excellent condition. He said they all bolted from the bear boxes and ran for the woods, then separated but all headed in the same general direction. All four had been tagged and fitted with ear transponders.  It will be interesting to get the first reading from the transponders to see if the cubs are staying together or if they eventually split up.

So, for now, ABR is cub-less. That doesn’t end our work, however, so after the holidays and Wilderness Wildlife Week, ABR will start working on several winter maintenance projects so we’ll be ready to help the cubs we expect to get in the spring. Please support ABR’s work by donating online at

Jack (with help from Lisa).