Chonky, Chubby Cubs

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All the eating during hyperphagia has paid off – the cubs are chubbified! Just look at these photos and see if you don’t agree!

Sage is definitely a chonky cub!

Her sister Sorrel, once the smallest bear, has chubbified, but she can still fit through the ladder.

The other two young ladies in Wild Enclosure #4, Little Trouble and Rosemary, are looking quite plump, as well.

Nessie seems to be waiting for someone to hop into the swingy dinghy so she can give them a ride.

Angus is the picture of relaxation and portliness!

Piper is also totally relaxed, in fact, he looks as though he’s down for the count!

Thistle has a very special leaf!

Myrtle is growing. The other cubs got a head start, but Myrtle is trying to catch up.

We are so glad that Myrtle has been accepted into the gang in Wild Enclosure #3! Her persistence paid off.

Nettles, in the Hartley House, has decided to sleep on the bed. Good decision, little cub!

Sometimes the bed becomes a pillow. The curators are appreciative of her generous “tips.”

Not a Polar Bear naps on the bed while Nettles eats.

This is a beautiful fall arrangement that the Curator left for Nettles. She will have fun destroying it!

The other cubs are still coming up to the vents to visit Nettles.

Heather was very thin and underweight when she arrived. Now, the Caboose Curvature Arrow shows how plump she has become!

Heather walks the rim of the pool with ease. Bears have excellent balance.

And thus ends today’s update on the cubs.