First up is the report from UTCVM on the little neonate, Carolina Bear. She is doing well, holding her own, and is on IV antibiotics to help her overcome pneumonia. She is only about 19 days old, and cubs this young can aspirate formula without showing signs of distress, we are told. The doctors at UT x-rayed her lungs and diagnosed the problem. The results of the necropsies of Nibbles and Pawley Bear, seem to show that both cubs died of pneumonia. These tiny ones have no resistance and can’t fight off an infection that would not be fatal to a two-month-old cub.

We are grateful that Carolina is in the care of the doctors at UTCVM.

Back at the ABR facility, Tinsel and Twinkle are still eating, sleeping, and preparing for their own releases in a few weeks.

Each day begins with the familiar “tree waltz.” but eventually they decide to go into a culvert den, often the same one.

Tinsel likes to climb high in a tree, where she stays for hours.

Twinkle, on the other hand, attacks The Forbidden Tree – again!

She continues to examine that tree.

She’s getting better at her exploration.

She focused her attention on the lower edge, sniffing and trying to pry it up.

The Floating Pear passed by. Twinkle’s shape is looking more like his.

Twinkle worked her way around the tree, but to no avail. She could not conquer it!

We doubt that she will give up. She will return!

Facility Maintenance must be done to get ready for cubs who may be in need of our help.

The cubs of 2023 were very hard on the platforms and other infrastructure. Many repairs are needed.