Today we have the Facebook Live program that Curator Tori presented to update us on the eight cubs currently being cared for by ABR. The newest arrival, SuBearu was not yet settled at ABR, because she had the surgery this morning to repair her broken back leg. We do get to see her at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, and are glad to learn that the surgery was successful. Now it is a matter of healing time, as is the case with our other broken leg cub, Tots Bear. Most of the video is focused on the two groups of three – Casper, Shadow, and Peeps in the Cub House/Acclimation Pen #4, and Duke, Daisy Mae, and Jellybean in Acclimation Pen #1, which is connected to the Hartley House. You will enjoy watching the antics of the two trios of cubs!
It’s easy to see that this will be an entertaining year, and when these little bears get outside in the Wild Enclosures things will become very interesting. Watch this space!