It’s hard to believe, but ABR has just welcomed another cub to our ever-growing class of 2024! Just this morning, as reported on Facebook:
This morning, Operations Director Greg Grieco was on his way to Gatlinburg to pick up some new handmade pottery items for our store. Just as he was pulling into Gatlinburg, ABR’s phone rang. A mail carrier from the Post Office in Gatlinburg reported that she saw a small cub of the year alone and crying this morning. The carrier sees bears often, and felt that something about this bear was different. She saw the cub trying to climb a tree, but it was struggling.
Greg spoke with the postal carrier and diverted to the cub’s location. When he arrived, the cub was still there. Greg immediately noticed that the little bear appeared to have a broken back leg. The cub managed to climb a tall tree and Greg kept an eye on it and called TWRA Biologist Dan. Dan agreed that Greg should attempt to capture the cub and take it to UTCVM-University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine for examination and care. Fortunately, Ryan Williamson with Great Smoky Mountains National Park was nearby and able to drop off a trap, leather gloves and a catch pole for Greg. Curator Jamie headed to Gatlinburg with fruit for trap bait, an extension ladder, and all the supplies to take a cub to UTCVM.
Just before Curator Jamie arrived on the scene, Greg was able to scruff the cub and place it in the trap for transport. Greg was travelling in his personal Subaru this morning, and placed the trapped cub in his vehicle. Jamie and Greg drove separately, and took the cub to UTCVM where they met Dr. Cushing, Dr. Swanepoel, and their team. The doctors immediately knew the cub had a broken left femur, so they took the bear straight to radiology to confirm. It’s a clean break in the middle of the bone, and surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m.
The cub is female and weighs 4.5 kg (9.9 pounds). Other than the broken leg, she was covered in green fuzzy burrs, The doctors used a comb to remove the burrs and gave fluids to hydrate the little bear. She’s back at ABR now where she will stay in the HRH for tonight. She has pain meds, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories onboard to get her through the night. She’s already lapped up a bowl of Cubby Sauce and honey.
Here she is – as cute as she can be!
Watch this space for news of her surgery tomorrow.