Update on our 2010 cub!

"RA" at ABR Some of you have been anxious to see a picture of our first 2010 cub.  This little
Posted on May 13, 2010 Comments Off on Update on our 2010 cub!

Name the Spectacled bear cubs at the National Zoo!

We came across this article about the two new cubs at the National Zoo in Washington, DC.  The cubs were born
Posted on May 13, 2010 Comments Off on Name the Spectacled bear cubs at the National Zoo!

Yet another 2009 yearling cub!

Last night (May 6th) another 2009 yearling was admitted to ABR.  This female was captured at the Chimneys picnic area in
Posted on May 7, 2010 Comments Off on Yet another 2009 yearling cub!

Our first 2010 cub!

As you know, all of the (yearling) cubs in our care were born in January of 2009.  But on Thursday,
Posted on May 7, 2010 Comments Off on Our first 2010 cub!

Photographer helps ABR

We were in Townsend, TN for the Spring Festival on April 30-May 1.  We had an informational table for ABR,
Posted on May 6, 2010 Comments Off on Photographer helps ABR

You are awesome!

We have been blown away by the generosity of all of you who have read about our desperate need for
Posted on April 28, 2010 Comments Off on You are awesome!