Visitor to ABR

Coyote mom visits ABR We just received this photo, taken at ABR recently.  As you can tell, this coyote that
Posted on April 28, 2011 Comments Off on Visitor to ABR

2011 Cubs in China!

What do you know?  Seems like everyone in the world loves and cares about baby bears!  Here is an article
Posted on April 26, 2011 Comments Off on 2011 Cubs in China!

See our cubs on YouTube!

You can see some wonderful video footage of the 3 cubs (Bobby, Brother, and Sister) on YouTube.  They are very
Posted on April 24, 2011 Comments Off on See our cubs on YouTube!

Please help our Easter Cub!

  Another report from Lisa:  “I’m getting ready to feed our Easter cub and put more antibiotic ointment in her
Posted on April 24, 2011 Comments Off on Please help our Easter Cub!

Easter at ABR

Easter Cub Easter arrived a little early, on Friday April 22, in the form of a tiny, dehydrated cub.  Here
Posted on April 22, 2011 Comments Off on Easter at ABR

Kris returns to Louisiana

Kris will sleep for part of the trip home It’s a good month for bear releases!  Early this morning, April
Posted on April 20, 2011 Comments Off on Kris returns to Louisiana