On April 6th, TWRA biologist Janelle Musser contacted ABR about two orphaned cubs. It seems that their mother was killed by a vehicle a couple of days ago. A third cub was seen leaving what turned out to be a den, but these two were left behind and were rescued by Janelle. She met Curator Kamryn at the UTCVM, where Dr. Waligora and her team (including ABR interns and UTCVM students Monica and Lindsay) examined the cubs.

The cubs are males, #398 (Casper) with a light muzzle weighs 6.61 pounds, and his brother #399 (Shadow) with a dark muzzle weighs 8.82 pounds. Both are healthy and have good fur and muscle mass. They lapped diluted bear milk formula from a bowl, and are now in the Cub Nursery until they are stronger and larger.

The homeowner who found them when he heard them crying will be watching for the third cub. If found, it will be brought to ABR as well. If you drive in bear country at this time of year, please be extra cautious and watchful. Sows are bringing their newborns out of dens.

Casper and Shadow Bear – healthy two-month-old cubs!

As you can see, this year is becoming a busy one here at ABR. We now have six cubs in residence, as well as the two yearlings, Twinkle and Tinsel, who will be released in the very near future. Watch this space!