The three little cubs, Doodlebug, Tater, and Nugget Bear, are doing well in Wild Enclosure #2. Doodlebug still can’t keep up with the others but she doesn’t let that stop her – she’s a bold and persistent little bear! This short video shows some of their activities in the enclosure, and then we get a glimpse of two other recent arrivals, Cricket and Sprout, climbing down a tall tree.


<iframe src=”″ width=”560″ height=”314″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”true” allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowFullScreen=”true”></iframe>


We are pulling for Doodlebug to get better at climbing and for Puddin’ Bear to get better, too. Please think positive thoughts for both of them!