In today’s update, we will see how a very small cub (Jackie P) can punch above his weight, and show fearlessness in action! Tots and Jackie P were released from the Acclimation Pen adjacent to Hartley House a couple days ago. Often, we have seen cubs keep their distance from current residents, or escape up a tree. But not this time!

Jackie P approached the trio of Duke, Daisy Mae, and Jellybean right away.

The three cubs didn’t know what to make of him.

They decided to escape up the tree.

Wait for me! He seemed to say as he ran to catch up.

Tots was already up in the tree, so pretty soon all five cubs were together.

Jellybean, the largest cub, soon had a best friend – the smallest cub, Jackie P.

The curators watched for a reaction on the night of July 4th, but the fireworks seemed not to be noticed at all.

The five cubs are friends now. They forage together.

Curator Katrina spreads honey on a swingy ball in Hartley House. She also put fruits and other yummy treats in the room.

Sundae loved the honey!

The Triple Play cubs are tolerating Sundae, but do not choose to interact with her as yet.

SuBearu and Puff are friends, and settled into their rooms in The Recovery Center.

They are enjoying their Acclimation Pen.

Peeps and Casper like to swim in their pool. Shadow isn’t quite as enthusiastic.

It’s good to see all of them, when they come out of the foliage.

They stay in one place and eat in the shade. It’s too hot to move!