For as long as I’ve been on the board (and that has been a while), one fall fund-raiser was that ABR (by arrangement with a Michigan company) sold holiday Christmas wreaths. The wreaths were quite popular and provided ABR supporters with an easy way to say “Merry Christmas” to their friends and family. Each year, ABR’s cost to purchase these wreaths increased. ABR, however, refused to pass these costs on to our supporters. This meant that ABR’s “margin” declined to the point that, last year, ABR received only a few dollars for every wreath sold. This year, we decided to try something new, and we think it will please even die-hard fans of the wreath program. Coming in November, ABR supporters will be able to go to ABR’s website,, and select several very nice gifts for a very modest cost (less than the wreaths). Most are hand-made and only available from ABR. The gifts can be given to friends or family (you decide where the gift should be sent) along with an associate membership to ABR. These gifts were donated so all of the money goes directly to helping ABR care for injured and orphaned bears. We hope you’ll find the Holiday Gifts are more than an adequate substitute for the wreaths. The gifts are also limited in quantity so be sure to check ABR’s website starting November 2, 2007, and be the first to send your friends and family a unique holiday gift with an associate membership to ABR.