Chubby Rainbow Triplets

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The Rainbow Triplets have filled out and chubbified very well. They have been thriving during their time at ABR. Here is the proof – some pictures of the chonky trio.

One Triplet looks as though he/she might roll off of the platform. Be careful, Cubby! They slept there all night.
One of the cubs decides it’s time for breakfast, and starts to go down.
The other two have a before-breakfast wrestle first.
The second Triplet goes down to breakfast, leaving just one of the siblings on the platform.
Soon, the last of the threesome descends to forage with the others.

In August, when they arrived as 7-month-old cubs, they weighed between 27 and 33 pounds each. They are much larger now. but we won’t know how much they weigh until their release day. Any guesses?