Another Cubby Birthday!

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Each month, on the 22nd day, we celebrate Cubby Birthday. It’s important to celebrate another month of life for little bear cubs, too many of whom don’t live very long. Today our three cubs – Barley, Bourbon, and Hops Bear have reached the age of 5 months!

We bet you don’t see all three cubs in this photo.
Bourbon was hiding behind the tree! There he is!
And here is a wet little Bourbon Bear – now five months old!
Something scared the two cubs. Barley is climbing up the tree.
It was Hops who was the scary one – he made noise while he was foraging in another part of the enclosure.
When you’re not sure about a noise, it’s best to stay close to a tree.
Hops comes racing back and scared them all over again.
Bourbon tells Hops there’s something strange going on. Hops admits he was the noise.
Not you! Take that!
Take this and this!
Barley comes down and wonders what happened – where are they?
Barley finds Hops behind the tree. Bourbon finds a peanut in the grass.
Time for more fisticuffs – Whack! Bam! Bop!

A little slope means that while wrestling, the cubs roll downhill.

Nothing like some good old fashioned wrestling and fisticuffs to celebrate your birthday!

We wish a very happy Cubby Birthday to our three cubs and to all the other cubs, yearlings, and older bears who are in the wild.